
Corona Diaries

Corona Diaries - Lost & Found - #13

Stacey Hoshimiya, May 2 2020

(Open arms to all ... Church of the Sacred Heart at Mount Tibidabo, Barcelona, 2013) - MAY 2, 2020 - Ramadan has begun. Mornings have been deliciously quiet, as everyone is still in bed trying to sleep half the day away. Although I do not join my neighbors in the solidarity of fasting, I find other ways to pray and give thanks in this time. I catch...

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Corona Diaries

Corona Diaries - Lost & Found - #10

Stacey Hoshimiya, April 20 2020

(Aerial grid and gridlock, and we all look just the same ... Los Angeles, CA 2010) - APRIL 20, 2020 - Striking news of the day: Social distancing in India has caused pollution to drop so dramatically that for the first time in a long time, you can see the Himalayas from Mumbai. __________________

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Corona Diaries

Corona Diaries - Lost & Found - #8

Stacey Hoshimiya, April 14 2020

(View from the Nomad Desk - Chefchaouen, Morocco 2020) - APRIL 14, 2020 - Striking news of the day: Trump/ Republicans unwilling to subsidize the USPS in next coronavirus relief bill, but willing to bail out the cruise ship industry? It’s too cold to shower, and I’m still wearing the same clothes since 5 days ago? I don’t mind the uniform, probably...

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Corona Diaries

Corona Diaries - Lost & Found - #6

Stacey Hoshimiya, April 11 2020

(Blue City Wandering the Old Medina - Chefchaouen, Morocco 2020) - APRIL 11, 2020 - Striking news of the day: Just heard that 16,000,000 people have lost their jobs in 3 weeks. 10,000,000 lost their jobs during the entire Great Depression. “Unemployment rose higher in three months of Covid-19 than it did in two years of the Great Recession” is late...

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Corona Diaries

Corona Diaries - Lost & Found - #5

Stacey Hoshimiya, April 10 2020

(Busy, not busy, at the Nomad Desk - Chefchaouen, Morocco 2020) - APRIL 10, 2020 - Distracted and doing everything but the writing. No focus, and no motivation. The reality of the urgency hangs there, but it is not sinking in, at least not enough to move me. Maybe I am mesmerized by the magnitude of uncertainty for the first time in my life. Just s...

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Corona Diaries

Corona Diaries - Lost & Found - #3

Stacey Hoshimiya, April 7 2020

(Even the stray cat believes in the efficacy of masks ... Chefchaouen, Morocco - 2020) - APRIL 7, 2020 - Striking News of the Day: The unredacted Mueller Report is in the hands of Judge Reggie Walton. Now he will know all about the 14 redacted cases and investigations currently in progress. He can choose to make certain parts public, or he may wait...

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